Friends =)

Saw this few poems a long time ago and felt that it was really nice. Just wanna make a shout out to all.

The first one :

It seems like we've known

each other forever...

I can't imagine life without you

You've always been there

to support me

whether i needed you

to cheer me up

or hold me up.

We've spent endless hours

engaged in conversation

about "nothing" and "everything"

I wouldn't trade those times

for anything in the world

Together we've hurt, we've smiled -

we've grown.

We've figured out,

the secrets to life

or tried to at least.

Your friendship

means so much to me...

...and I hope I can always

be there for you

the way you've always

been for me. =)

Tracy Donovan

The second one :

How can I describe

the kind of friend you are?

It's really hard to know where to start

because you are the friend to me

in so many different ways.

You're the friend

who can tell when I'm not fine,

if i say i am, the one who draws me out,

not to pry,

but because you really care,

about what i'm feeling.

You're the friend

who won't hesitate

to do something goofy

just for the sheer pleasure

of cracking me up.

You're the friend

who remembers things I've said,

the one who knows what i worry about,

and the one i trust

with my most precious secret

You're worth more

than a thousand

"mere acquaintances"

because this advanture

called "life"

wouldn't be half as fun

if I couldn't share it

with you...

Linda Lee Elrod
Cheers and good night. Take care. Thanks for all the colours in my life. =)



April 14, 2008 at 4:56 PM

The poem we saw on the card xD
why dun u write a poem urself? xP