19th on 19th =D

Quick post(and its not even mine =D). Adapted from nick's blog.

Cheers and thanks a bunch people! =D

Melody’s BBQ Party


11 young and vibrant youths decided to have a BBQ party to let off some steam from our daily hectic ACCA studies, especially after progress test 2 and before the mock exams come knocking. Having planned this the whole week, we were finally able to realise our plans with Melody becoming our host for the party!

Ding Yan, Ying Wei and I headed off to Tesco Puchong to shop for ingredients on Friday afternoon, which were mainly chicken wings and non-halal items. Haha! We then headed back to Ding’s house to help marinate the chicken.

What do you get when you add a whole bottle of BBQ sauce, olive oil, spices, pepper, garlic and a bottle of HEINEKEN? The answer – epically g00t stuffs! *two thumbs up!*

Our jewel for the night!

Ying Wei picked both Lydia and I up on Saturday evening, and off we went to Melody’s place at Sungai Besi. She stays at the Petaling Indah Condominiums. Well it was raining pretty heavily, and it showed no signs of rain stopping, so it was a quite the worrying initially. Thank God the rain decided to slow down after we reached Mel’s place.

The rest were there shortly after we arrived. The guys helped to set up the BBQ pit while the girls got on with their recipes in the kitchen.

Lydia was preparing her “Lydia’s Special” with Eliza, Sue and Melody helping her out, in which she described that will savour our taste buds! Well of course it did, it was great and I’m sure everyone would agree. Haha!

Surprised as to what she got installed for us?

It’s a 100% Pork affair – Bacon + Jumbo sausage + Prunes!

The salad was great too! Not forgetting the banana dessert, which she jointly made with Melody!

I was helping Ding Yan the whole time with the bbq-ing of the chicken wings. Skewering the chickens and making our own chicken satays. Guess it wouldn’t hurt to have some male bonding session along the way. XD

Half the time, I wasn’t aware what the others were doing. Haha! I know they were busy eating, as everytime I turned my head, everyone seemed to be munching on something. LOL!

Ding Yan, our main BBQ chef for the night!

Lydia on the other hand, after finishing her work in the kitchen, she proceeded on to entertain us with her uber piano skills. Creating several solemn and cheerio atmosphere, I almost felt like emo-ing a couple of times HAHA! The piano educated wasn’t limited to her alone, both Ying Wei and Melody took an attempt at the piano too. =D

Say hello to Lydia!

The highlight of the night wasn’t the BBQ actually, it was suppose to act as a cover for Ding Yan and Ying Wei’s surprise birthday party.

Proceeded on with the plan, I signalled the girls to get the cake to the back of the room while some of us distracted Ding Yan and Ying Wei. Suddenly the lights went off, and the girls appeared with the birthday cake singing along the ‘Happy Birthday’ song.

Though our surprise failed in the sense that, the candles went off thanks to the wind in the process of our ’surprising’ LOL! and we had to light the candle again with Ying Wei and Ding Yan stoning in the middle of the room.

At least I think they are surprised =D not sure about Ding Yan, but Ying Wei had no idea the cake was for him too. So yea. =)

Melody, and the two birthday boys, Ding Yan and Ying Wei.

The cake was entirely done by Lydia herself, if you’re wondering.

Lydia’s Special II – Cheese Cake!

After done stuffing ourselves, everyone helped to clean up. Some washed the plates and cleared the food, while those of us who were helping out earlier with the BBQ, got to rest a bit.

It was an awesome night altogether, I don’t know about everyone else, but I personally had fun. =) To think I only joined this bunch at the beginning of August, I already felt like I’m part of the family.

Special thanks once again to Melody for being a great host, and also to Lydia for the amazing food! If God willing, we shall do something like this again.

We ended the night with a few group pictures of course!

Thank God for wonderful friends!

What's right isn't always what you want and what you don't want isn't always wrong..

I gotta feeling!

You know, this song is actually so annoying that it'll stick to your head until you fall in love with it.

Enjoy the flash mob!. Maybe we'll do it someday too.

Any plans? =D


Sometimes, it just sucks to be the one deciding. From the outside it might seem so nice and glamourous but once you're the one actually doing it. Its not that great after all. It really sucks.

Darn. How can i stop to try to please everyone when i very well know i can't? When can i learn to have more faith in my friends?


Seeing is believing and we're seeing price drops across each and every iPod touch on Apple's on-line store front. The 8GB model is now $189 (was $229), the 16GB model is $249 (was $299), and the 32GB model is just $279 (was $399). Now what could Apple be making room for?

Update: And now the nano and classic have fallen under the axe. The classic has been cut to $229 (was $249) while the nano now starts at $129 (was $149) for the 8GB model or just $149 (down from $199) for the 16GB nano.

Adapted from: http://www.engadget.com/2009/09/09/ipod-touch-prices-dramatically-slashed/


Yeah thats exactly how it feels like to be me now, after seeing your touch's price dropping

miserably from what RM 1629 to RM 1200 (approx)?

Hmm... guess that's the price to pay for getting an Apple product huh? =(

Lets just see whats in store for us in the 3rd gen!

Cheers! (back to reconstructing my blog =D)



Well the first test of the so called 'final' level begins next week! and as usual, like a hero i'm not ready.


can i just let everything go? i wanna be free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

who's up for backpacking next july???!!! or june???!!! :p

Shift of Change?

I am sorry!

I know that it might be kind of worthless but it was only today I really understand the mistakes I have made repeatedly throughout the year. Only today have I realized what an arse I can be sometimes. Only now I know what I have to do to make things right.

Having been busy with both my course and council activities, I barely have time for myself. Well I have also mismanaged my time and there’re no excuses for it, no doubt. But more than that, it was made known to me what I shouldn’t have done all along.

I have always said and insisted that other people’s impression of you doesn’t matter. True it doesn’t but when you yourself are beginning to have doubts about it. It is time to change. Well for me, I still hope that it isn’t too late. Or is it?

I was told time and time again that I have been childish. Well, just like a child, I refused to believe them and go on with my ways. Coming to think of it, it has been true all along that I am too naïve and yeah, stupid. The way I talk and how I bring myself sometimes even disgust me when I reflect back. Undoubtedly, there are times to let go and all, but I seem to be doing all of it at the wrong time! Up till today, I still need to be reminded of when to be serious and when to play!

Well, all I hope is that I can and will change for the better. Therefore I still need all of your help. Do remind me about what a fool I was before this and advice me on how to change. I really need that people! For those that have done so. Thanks a lot! I will always try to remember them and you of course for all of the help you all have given me. You know who you are =)

Losing focus?

‘Fine! I’ll do that soon,’ seems to be coming out of my mouth extremely often. True, it’ll eventually be done but always not at the right time. It’s kind of frustrating when everything seems to be done only at the last minute. It’s not that I cannot bear to be the last or whatever you may think but this is just not me! (Alright, maybe too my ego has overtaken me..) 

Somehow, the last two semesters isn’t like that it used to be. The fire in me was raging when I came into the college. Always wanting to be the best and never willing to lose an ounce of knowledge. Once I have even tore my answer sheet when I couldn’t find a solution to the problem. I would have been so frustrated if I couldn’t find the answer to any problems, be it a difficult one or the contrary. Everything seems to be so long ago now. And, as time goes by, the burning flame seemed to have lost its fuel. There’s still an aim, but there’s no more an urge nor a desire to perform. The passion of being curious is just….lost? As sad as it may seem, I have to admit that I am living up to being a Malaysian and couldn’t care about anything else. Have i been in my comfort zone for too long and got cocky? Assuming that everything will turn out to be fine?.. and yes. What I’m saying here is conflicting with my last article but this is just the case.

Procrastination is a deadly disease. It gets you addicted once you start doing it. The renowned Victor Lee (as he insists that his name should be here, =P) said that, ‘procrastinating is like masturbation at the beginning it feels great, but at the end of the day you are just f***ing yourself.’ As crude as it may seem it is true. And after that you’ll feel so crappy that you don’t know where or what to start with. Just like now, I’m bored although I have tons of work to be done. And when something gets undone or gone astray, we’ll tend to blame anything or anyone but ourselves. We’ll then indulge ourselves in self-pity and waste more time instead. When you come to think of it, you’re actually being an arse but that’s exactly what’ll happen…

I’m sure many of us out there are like that. Maybe I just need a break from everything? Or is it just another excuse? sigh. Help?


Something out of nowhere?

It seems kind of weird that I’m finally returning to this page. Despite all my promises I have indeed neglected it for a long time. Those empty promises have indeed irritated some quarters and I’m sorry for that. Maybe blogging just isn’t my cup of tea. Or maybe I’ve been worried about the perception I would have gotten if my comments are published to the whole world. Whatever it seems to be, the fact that the excuse that I have always been giving; ‘I have nothing to say’ is not anything like my personality. (At least according to my good friend = ) )

Anyways here I am trying to bore you again. However so, there is something that really seems to bug me. It always seems that we Malaysians would never learn from anything. We would always fall first and claim that we have learnt our lessons, yet nothing ever changes. We will (and hopefully not forever) have the ‘tidak apa’ attitude and never seem to be able to accept anything comments or criticisms from anyone.

This is happening so rampantly that we ourselves don’t even notice nor bother about it anymore. When talking to others for instance, it always seem to disgust me that when someone(may it be me or anyone else) tries to correct another on his/her pronunciation, they would not only be not bothered to correct themselves but would even say, ‘come on, we’re Malaysians, it is ok to pronounce wrongly.’ I’m sorry to say this but it is NOT! What is going on with us??!!! It is because of this bloody attitude that we’re still stuck in the shithole we’re in. So what if others talk and act like this? Must we then idolize the wrongdoers and stood down to their levels as well? Wake up people! It may not seem to be a big thing but it is because of this that people perceive us as what we are; a country with first world facilities but third world mentalities. Is there even anything to be proud of?

Over the years, we have always been comparing ourselves with Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and etc… which are all way behind us! Why can’t we look in front of us for once and compare with the better countries? Japan for instance got bombarded by the United States on 1945. Fine it was 12 years before we were free from colonialism, yet look at us today? Do you really think that we’re just 12 years behind Japan? Bullshit. Even a 10 year old kid could tell you the difference. And they had to start from scratch, for goodness sake! We at least got the reins from the British. True it isn’t much, but it was something at least. Worst still, we have had endless resources at that time; rubber, oil palm, gold, petroleum even. And what have they got? A cluster of volcanic mountains that ‘menstruates’ (if I may use this term) every couple of decades and of course with an add on bonus of a shaky grounds! So now, what have we got to complain about? Alright fine, some ignorant people may still argue that their people have naturally been smart and hardworking for they have overtaken the US even, at least in a couple of sectors. Look at Singapore then! It is just a tiny island that’s could not even be seen on the map, and yet the tiny little speck has a much stronger economy. It is so well known that its currency (and not ours is recognized) all round the world! This means that people round the world actually have more faith in their country! Just go to any money changers around the world and be rest assured that your SG dollars and not Malaysian RINGGIT are the ones that is tradable. Again the question arises, why is this so? Well, they again have nothing but trade and yet, they have proven time and time again to be more successful than us. Who have we got to blame now?

This sickening attitude has just got to stop! Over the years it seems that although we are apparently moving forward, our mental ability has indeed shrunken! I bet that our ex pre-independence leaders would actually be so disappointed about what’s happening to our country that they are actually turning in their graves. Whatever said above is just the tip of the iceberg. I’m not saying that I’m perfect but at the very least I am aware of this and trying to change for the better. Wake up people or before you know it, your presence will turn out be insignificant and would be perceived even as to be a waste of space! 
