Thoughts and ponders

Well got to do some thinking and just noticed that people(including myself) are not as easy going or jolly as it seems... There will surely be times, let it be any relationships where conflicts (or at least the slightest bit of anger/the irritated feeling) will definitely occur. And that's when everything gets shitty. No one can be blamed. Be it anyone's fault. The worst part is that to you it'll never seem the same again. Old memories are bound to bounce back whether a not you want it...

Even after apologising and the 2 parties stating that they have let go, there is still a part of them not doing so. Something is always bugging inside and you'll tend to be wary of the person. You'll then tend to be paranoid and it won't be as usual anymore. You just can't help it! Well is it worth it? No of course not... but trying to let go is not such an easy matter too. In front of others, you pretend you have but you have yourself to answer to in the end. Why? Well the only reason i can put it is that there's still some part in me that still care and fear of the incident. I guess that the best solution is to just let time heal all the hauntings of the past...

There's a saying, "Sometimes people do terrible things but that doesn't mean they are terrible people." I know that...but it is not that easy to apply as well.

PS: Just felt like penning this down. Don't exactly get to know the reason. Maybe its just me?



May 6, 2008 at 9:46 AM

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